wreck1 wrote:
Raziel wrote:
Hello wreck1
Do you actually think you are psychotic and if "yes" why?
Wikipedia: Psychosis is a generic psychiatric term for a mental state often described as involving a "loss of contact with reality"
Actually i dont know if I am psychotic.
I lose contact with reality pretty often when I get angry and make what could be considered irreasonable demands. Usually it is about bowing and making way for me who is "stronger". Also, I have Aspergers Syndrom and I have been neglected when child and things got alot worse so I had to escape into my own world.
Psychosis/psychotic are not generic psychiatric terms that get thrown around lightly... If I were to say that someone has psychotic symptoms, I would be commenting on the presence of a hallucination (auditory, visual, olfactory, tactile, gustatory, etc...) and/or a skewed perception of the world that they believe to be factual and can't be explained by rational means (e.g. someone who has been mugged may feel that all the streets at night are scary and dangerous... If they then say something to the effect of, "I feel this way because I was mugged and now I am scared of them," then this wouldn't be psychotic).
You sound very aware of your symptoms, how they impact your life and where they may stem from.. Doesn't sound psychotic. Tracypedia mentioned an AS melt-down... That sounds pretty accurate to me! I would add that you may be experiencing some depressive symptoms (as particularly evidenced by your opening line of, "
I will do something wrong, at some point"). Severe depression (particularly coupled with AS) can appear to be psychotic symptoms in
some people.
I would recommend seeking treatment. Until then (and continuing from there)... Welcome to WP! This is a very supportive community and I hope you find the help you're seeking!
Don't want the truth? Don't come to the park!