I have put 4 years of study into support programs, resources, treatments and interventions for the severely autistic, and those with other genetic conditions that contribute to a severe disability akin to autism.
I have put 7 years of research into being the parent I want to be.
I have experimented with special diets, of all kinds (mostly on myself)
I am well-versed in new age perspectives and popularly termed 'pseudo-sciences' in regards to autism, evolution, and so on.
I am comfortable with 'joining' my kids in their worlds (although different even from each other), and experiencing with them, it has helped to develop my abilities as a parent, and my understanding of freed autism.
I am currently working with a holistic nutritionist (the clinical dietitian backed down from supporting us) to improve the diets of my children who currently eat as well as the average kids could with picky diets, sensitivities and social assistance financial woes.
I blog, on my lifestyle changes to help heal my children's guts and spirits, through homeschooling and diet.
I am trying to overcome most of my anxieties at once to achieve a first in our community, of a holistic co op to support new parents, parents new to autism, and anyone interested in it, from accessing resources, to group funding and discounted services and products that are increasingly popular, and with that, increasingly unregulated, and expensive.