Charcoal Sketches of the Invisible Man

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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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Joined: 13 Mar 2013
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Posts: 202
Location: Boston

06 Aug 2013, 7:13 pm

I don't think I took the time to introduce myself. My name is Christopher B. I'm 24 years old, I live in a Boston borough, go to college, and make music in my spare time. Charcoal Sketches is a shortened moniker of one of two of my main musical projects. One is named blank videotapes and the other is named Charcoal Sketches of the Invisible Man, which is my bedroom project influenced by space rock, psychedelic pop and rock, folk, electronica, and punk music. I play keyboards, a little guitar and sing. The name was inspired by two things: a book I read called from Brotherhood to Manhood (where they start discussing the Invisibility syndrome) and a drawing I did with charcoal and pastels, where the outline is just of a male cutout.

My hobbies besides music is hanging with my girlfriend, writing blogs, poetry and stories, reading, and a bit of amateur motivational speaking on the side. Been diagnosed as a high functioning Aspie since I was 3, and also as a person with ADHD.

I currently don't have a picture to put up, but once I find it, I'll be sure to post another blog or just reply to one of your comments.

I have a feeling that I will be asked pretty big and personal questions, so if you don't want to hear them, skip to the question below. I am a black man, bi but leaning more towards women, and...that'll be all I can tell you.

Is there anything else any of you want to know about me?

I'm not strange. I'm just drawn that way. That being said, work on your drawing skills already!