Lame title I know, but whatever. Hey all, this will be my first time posting here though I've been a member for awhile. I'm 30 yr female with Aspergers, rough business that, living in the lonely lil state of RI. I was diagnosed age 16 with bipolar, first time we'd ever gotten any sort of a diagnosis though my mom knew from the time I was 14 mos something wasn't right and at 18 as having Aspergers when my therapist pointed out the symptoms that didn't line up with bipolar. I'm looking for work and struggling to get my life together as I have for the last 12 yrs, lost my dog almost a year and a half ago now and even after that long it's a daily struggle and I want nothing more than to get a new dog, but no money so..... yeah. Anyway, I like Poe, some of his works but mostly just him in general more life than literary, I'm obsessed with Clopin from Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame and have been since I saw him in a commercial back in 1996 when the movie was released (hands off, he's mine, I' loved him before he was cool) and I play World of Warcraft, about the only thing that keeps my sanity. I read when a book interests me enough though I love books, love Harry Potter (book, not movies) and The Hobbit and there are way too many tv shows and movies I like to list here, but feel free to ask
Sorry for the brief sob story, I know not the point of an intro, but.... I have no excuse. I'm reaching out and trying to find something somewhere that can comprehend my daily struggles since no one, not even my mother, can. Please be nice, I respond to rude responses with either a cussing out or logging off and never setting foot on a site again.