I'm a woman in the UK, mid-forties and my journey to ascertain why I'm weird has brought me here.
I'm not diagnosed and not sure I want to be, but have taken several online tests over the past couple of years, all of which gave a likely Asperger's result, and I was astonished to read the table of female Asperger's characteristics, because most of them apply to me - and I thought I was the only one!
Outwardly, I appear successful - self-employed, own house, cars etc but it takes a huge effort keeping it all together and all my life people who have got to know me have called me either eccentric if they're trying to be nice, or a weird b***h if they're not. Finally I became fed up with it and started looking for an answer because surely they can't all be wrong.
So here I am, discovering that 'weird' things about myself are 'normal' for me. For example, it has been quite liberating to realise that as a child it was okay for me to enjoy completing two 1000-piece jigsaws concurrently (one on top of the other), whilst talking to my imaginary friend, and not just me being a freak. Likewise spending hours on a swing in all weathers; or, as a 12 year old, reading and repeatedly discussing the Warren Commission Report into President Kennedy's assassination; or needing to wear certain clothes until they fell apart; or finding it comforting to lie under the mattress. Who knew??
Anyway, I hope to be able to contribute usefully here. I tend to lurk on forums as I usually end up making a faux pas but perhaps this time it will be different.