I think I'm a little bit like this. It's more that I know what I want to say and then have trouble turning it into words. Typing on a computer at least allows me to see and edit what I'm saying before I say it.
I think I know what you mean there. I don't really think in words so much as in "concepts", and I then have to translate. If I'm under pressure it can come out wrong and I can say something different from what I meant, sometimes even the exact opposite. It doesn't help that I tend to remember what I was thinking and not what I was saying, which can confuse me when someone later acts according to what I actually said.
I have to incorporate a way of forewarning people I take time to think without getting misconceived or outing as Aspie...
How do you do it? That would be really useful if you can make it work. And in my case I'm lucky in that I wouldn't mind people thinking of me as an aspie.
P.S. I'll learn how to do quotes properly when I have a bit of time later.