Why hello.
Urhm hey there, I'm ~Rojko~ hahaha. I'm 19 female and live in the beautiful frozen wasteland of Canada.
I'm extremely anxious to be here; I was diagnosed with Clinical Depression and GAD at the age of 11, was put on SSRI's all through-out highschool, and only recently made the connection to AS/HFA.
I started smoking weed (sorry, hopefully this isn't too "adult"! haha) about seven months ago, and ever since then something in my head clicked into place. It could be the interaction between my SNRI and the marijuana, I have no idea. I feel like a robot who was told I'd never feel happiness.. but I JUST DO NOW?! I woke up one morning and my life.. restarted. I am smart, I am cool, I am a good person - these are things I'd never think I'd call myself. I can concentrate when I smoke, I've spent more time studying languages in the last month (online in my free time) than I'd ever thought I could manage. Just.. everything seems.. different. My friends and family are worried for me because I went through life suicidal, and now for the first time I'm content.
In my mind, I was misdiagnosed with Depression/GAD at 11 when I should have been screened for autism spectrum disorders. We didn't think of it though, as I was not close to anyone for a long time and most assessments are based on peer/parental feedback. I was and always have been an internet person.
I am worried that tomorrow I will be put on the wrong medications for the up-teenth time and I could really use someone to talk stuff through with. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Haha.
Sorry for the depressing entrance, folks! My thoughts are very disorganized and I have trouble explaining things properly. I have trouble getting my point across clearly haha.