What is your first name? edaspie
Age: 54
Location: yup
Hobbies and Interests: chess, drawing, audiobooks, judo
Why are you here? i definitely belong on the wrong planet
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 12 March 2013
Favorite subjects: me of course
Year/Grade: i just said the year i made the grade
Favorite music: instrumental
Books: have them too
TV shows/Movies: have no use for them anymore
Instrument: none
Do you like sports? swimming, judo (the peaceful defence)
Family: one estranged sister, one dying sister
Clothing: if i have to
How did you find this website? suggested while reading a book on Asperger Syndrome and Anxiety, and Googling
Job: living
Plans for the future? i never allowed myself a future
Any comments?
Aspie complicated by chronic -- anxiety, panic, stress, phobias, and depression.
i am only hurting myself.
So square i could accidentally cut myself on my edges.
Really have a sense of humour (but little wit) despite these complications which seem so normal to me like i always had them.
Love people, however strange they always seem.
Unknowingly raised in a bubble of family life, dependent on them, until my last parent died 14 July 2010, putting me into a "culture shock" i hadn't realized until recently, involving resorting to "existing" not "living."
50 1/2 years of life living like i was watching a television show of another planet, until parent died.
Grew up from a child relying on a "personal Faith" (which will remain unspecified) that preserves me despite myself and my worldly ignorances of social and practical Life, to no credit of my own.
Am not at all "anti-social" just plain "non-social." People like me i guess because i always like them.
Have an uncommonly strong work ethic, i daresay.
My complications have been kept between me and my doctor and two sisters and parent.
DISCLAIMER: if anyone has been offended or misunderstands anything i wrote here, please don't. i have a terrible time seeing the social consequences of what i write -- only kindness is meant by this posting!