Heya I found this site while researching ways to cope with asperger's syndrome and started on going through one thread and then found another and then another and I really liked what I was seeing! So here I am tonight! My name is John and I was diagnosed with asperger's syndrome when I was around the age of 8 or 9, I believe. I have been battling this disability that people call a gift for 21 years now, well not really 21 I guess because being young I was kind of oblivious to the fact that something was up with me. We really can't be quite that self- conscious at such a young age can we? Ah, I digress; anyway I have finally decided to accept that this is me. Of course being an aspie is no walk in the park: I have trouble with adapting to social situations, making eye contact, and communicating properly along with obsessions in limited interests, unusual preoccupations, basically the whole bag. I'm tired of hiding it though and I want people to know that I am this way for a reason. So yeah, I may not like it, but I'm owning it.