Hi to you both! It's good to hear from someone in a similar situation
I don't feel like I don't fit in, I have managed to learn pretty well how to fit in, but it does take me years to get to the point in one on one situations where I can feel comfortable. I'm fine in groups. I do suck at small talk, but I read a lot and am good at remembering things so can contribute to most discussions; it's talking about myself I struggle with.
I think my main reasons for wanting to look into a diagnosis is for answers. There are things I find hard, which I'm sure are Aspergers related. For example, eye contact - again, something I can handle in group situations but not one on one. Listening is another thing I'm appalling at. I do my best to accept these characteristics as part of who I am, but I think at times I try too hard, push myself too hard, into fitting in. I guess I've fought against all this for so long that it's become habit to come across as "normal". I never ask for help, of any kind, until I reach crisis point, or beyond that, and as a single mother that doesn't make life easy for either me or my daughter.
I guess a diagnosis would seem to me like a communication card. A fall back. So that when everything becomes too much and I just want to put my hands over my ears and scream, I know why, as do those around me. Not something I'd give out to just anyone. Since I was a teenager, I've felt that I had to keep everything inside, keep myself shut tight, and I've done well at that, but I feel like I'm at a point in my life where I can be me, where it's okay to not be perfect, and part of that is in accepting where my limits lie, and the reasons why.