Hey there,
Also diagnosed in my 40s--what a trip and a relief at the same time Stuff on Adult Aspies/Adult Aspie issues is hard to find, I also had to search to find the guy in my area who diagnosed adults. As for more information on adult aspies and autism in general, if you're into books, I recommend the following three:
Tony Atwood COMPLETE GUIDE TO ASPERGER's (it's just out in hardcover, but he does a great job of including adults and his writing is on the mark)
Temple Grandin THINKING IN PICTURES (she's older as well, diagnosed autistic in the 50s, amazing story, good writer and good ideas about Asperger's)
Roy Richard Grinker UNSTRANGE MINDS: REMAPPING THE WORLD OF AUTISM (brand new in hardcover) written by anthropologist whose daughter was diagnosed with autism. Grinker has written a cultural study/cultural history of the diagnosis of autism over time and in other cultures. I haven't been able to put this down since I got it last week.
welcome to the planet--you are not alone