Never was good at finding ways to introduce myself, so for now I'll just copy/paste from the questions thread.
Age: 22
Location: California
Hobbies and Interests: Gaming, Railroads, Military, Fantasy
Favorite subjects: History, Geography, Cultural Studies,
Year/Grade: College Freshman
Favorite music: Eclectic tastes
Books: Eclectic tastes, mostly nonfiction
TV shows/Movies: Scooby Doo, Adventure Time, My Little Pony, Archer, Hawaii 5-0, NCIS, Law and Order, Blue Bloods, Chicago Fire, Disney movies, Monty Python
Clothing: <3
Job: Library Page
Plans for the future?: Finish bachelor's degree (Urban Studies), obtain Masters/PhD (Urban Planning), become urban planner, write books on railroads/history of cities on the side.
As for disorders, Aspergers since 7, ADHD was diagnosed earlier.