I currently live in SC, USA with my wife and son. My six year old son seems likely to be diagnosed with Asperger's. This has me thinking of when I myself was diagnosed with autism at about age 5 (I am now 32). At that time, I really did not speak. I was in a special school briefly, then my family moved and I was put in a normal public school and I grew up thinking of myself as more or less normal. In hindsight I have not been normal. I have been realizing the degree to which I miss social cues, I fear social situations, misread people, feel uncomfortable looking people in the eye, and I have trouble connecting with people, and with my wife, and this has caused strain. I tend to develop obsessions (an hour before defending my Ph.D. dissertation, to keep from freaking out, I declined a bunch of Latin nouns on paper). I suspect that I have Asperger's too, but I am not sure whether it is useful as an adult to be diagnosed, or whether this is even real, or if I should be doing something different.... Bottom line is, I want to learn to avoid being obnoxious to other people and to function better in life.