There isn't a great deal to say, really. I am a fifteen year old from the north of England, and I was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome ten years ago. I have some interest in the sciences – particularly evolution and genetics – as well as ornithology, fantasy literature, music, and various other things. I’ve considered myself a sort of armchair philosopher for about four years now, and after reading the works of many philosophers I found that I’d considered some of the arguments they had went into great depth about in their writings long before I had ever read them. E.g. the anthropic principle seemed fairly obvious to me.
Still I am unsure of what I will do when I leave secondary school, or what I should choose to pursue as a career; I'm capable of attaining at least grade A's in all of the subjects I care about. The issues I have with school mainly concern the endless cycles of revision, the sheer stupidity of a great number of people my age, and the subjects that I simply cannot be bothered with (citizenship, for example).
Oh, about three years ago I might have said P. E. too, but I don't do that anymore; I chose to have my P. E. lessons replaced with additional mathematics and English classes, and my school career has been a lot easier since then. I figured that now would be an appropriate time to register since the mock exams have now passed and Christmas is coming soon, so I have nothing more to revise for.
Anyway, I look forward to further discussions and I've made sure to read the rules; I'll try not to be too much of a nuisance.