Hello and Welcome!
I know how you feel man. I have been struggling with social anxiety, OCD tendancies, and depression for what seems all my life. I recently saw a therapist who evaluated me and suggested I have ADHD, but I still suspect Asperger's. Reason being my social anxiety is derived from constantly being made fun of as a child for being quiet and having unusual/ obsessive interests. As an adult I can't work for more than a few months with out getting overwhelmed by various stimuli, humming machines, fluorescent lights, smells of cleaner, etc. I have read Deliverd from Distraction and while I related a lot and may even have comorbid ADHD, some symptoms still don't fit such as when people say negative things I take it way more personal and it cuts me deep much more than it does for others. I also have a hard time looking people in the face, especially the eyes which people always assume I'm rude or lying. I'm extremely honest and hate when people lie or are sarcastic. I can tell when someone lies , but not when they are joking. I take things way too literal too.
I'm seeking help because whatever I have is holding me back since I'm very intelligent and gifted in visual arts. I hope you get proper help and find relief from your ailments too. It may help your true gifts shine through