Segolia wrote:
I'm Segolia (or Seg), I'm 22, and I'm from the Netherlands. I was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome at 19, and I've been living in a guided living complex for people (of average and above average intellect) with autism and AS since this summer. I'm starting a thing to find out what exactly my AS means for me with the autism expert on staff here soon, and so I felt it might be fitting to join this website, try and get an advance idea of it. (In previous years I haven't been too interested in what was what, and I just sort of tried struggling on.)
When I'm not sitting around at home wasting my life away on Tumblr, bugging my cat, I study biochemistry, and am currently in my last year. Besides that, I play World of Warcraft and other (non-MMO) western RPGs, I cook and bake in my spare time, I read a lot (of fantasy, though I'll read anything I'll get my hands on), dabble some in writing, and I spend most of my time using the English language.
I'm not entirely sure if I have any special interest at this moment, but I'm quite sure that it used to be musical theater when I was in high school (and being in the yearly musical production did help me quite a lot in being able to act neuro-typical), and it was Doctor Who and affiliated shows last year and the year before that.
I'm not entirely sure if I forgot anything, but, yeah, this is me.

glad to meet you ,Im 15 and my grandmother is my guardian. I am also in a program and camp for developmentally disabled people Im not sure if its similar to your place its recreational and therapeutic but not residential place. is it like assisted living? my mom lives in assisted living.
Your Aspie score: 192 of 200 Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 9 of 200 You are very likely an Aspie PDD assessment score= 172 (severe PDD)
Autism= Awesome, unique ,Special, talented, Intelligent, Smart and Mysterious