MaxE wrote:
Nightingale121 wrote:
I live in Germany, so I also speak German.
I am a bt interested in languages too, but can´t speek so many. The only languages I learned are English, Latin and the ancient Greek which means I also can read nowadays Greek but I don´t speak it or know many words. It´s fascinating how many years can change a language but this effect not just happens with Greek of course but also with other languages. I wonder how much I would understand of an about 700 years old German text...
2500 years ago there was no such language as German, English, or Catalan.
It amazes me how relatively little Greek has changed in that time. To my knowledge, modern Greek is arguably a dialect of ancient Greek rather than a distinct language. @Nightingale121 I'm sure you could contrast this with the difference between standard German and some Swiss "German" dialects.
You are right. My teacher also compared the change of the Greek language with dialect. It changed but isn´t a new dictinct language. I maybe could make my comparison with German better: Of course the language isn´t as old as Greek, so my example was not so good. I guess we could compare the history of the German language rather in future when it also is as old as the Greek language nowadays is.
But what I found interesting was the change how they speak it. As I wrote I can read it rather easy and find similar words to the ancient Greek but the pronounciation is different from how we learned to do it with the ancient Greek at school. But I am not sure how they know how the letters were spoken 2500 years ago.
English is not my native language. So it is possible that there are mistakes in my posts. Please correct me, I´m still learning.