Hiya, welcome!
I haven't run across anybody in years who was into antique radios, that's cool. I was a radio disc jockey for more than 30 years and I have radios all over my place as decorations now, one an antique Tombstone replica by Crosley, but no authentic antiques. When I was a little kid, my Dad restored an old cabinet model that used to be in my bedroom and I have no idea what ever happened to it - I suspect my folks gave it away when we moved - if I remember correctly, it was a Zenith and I remember it had these huge Moon-Pie knobs, that were white Bakelite, but glowed orange in the dark.
I always tried to beat it to sleep, because the local station signed off at ten o'clock in those days, and if I was still awake when they played the National Anthem and turned the transmitter off, I would have to lie there in the dark and hear all those eerie, disembodied stray voices that floated in and out of the static on the skip, from all over the world, and it creeped me out so much, I was afraid to get up and turn it off by myself, so I'd just have to hide under the covers until my Dad came in and turned it off on his way to bed.
Good times.