Fnord wrote:
MamaD wrote:
... Are there any non-denominational Christian Aspies on this site?
My theistic beliefs are derived mainly from Christianity, and the only reason that I could be considered non-denominational is because I
hate religion, even though I've attended Seminary and am an ordained Presbyterian elder.
(It's a long story.)
Two years ago, if your post had appeared on this website, I'd have been all over it with as much humanistic snark as I could muster. Today, however, I will simply caution you that this website favors no one religion -- there is no official recognition on this website of any one religion being the one, true religion -- and that insisting that Christianity is THE way to believe is likely to earn you some very trollish remarks and likely a few accusations of being out of touch with reality.
And "fundies" can be just as bad, in that if you don't believe
exactly as they do, then you are "obviously" heretical or apostate.
Anyway, welcome aboard. I hope that your participation here is a blessing, in that you will grow spiritually from it.
I appreciate what you are saying, Fnord. I'm certainly not looking to suggest any religion is right or wrong. I'm definitely not one to judge. I believe in freedom of religion and all the other constitutional rights we have. This was just a request for me personally.
I was looking for others to connect with (possibly through private messages) who might help me develop behavioral tools that are Christ-based. Like I said, I'm
recently saved and I'm just beginning to read scripture and study the Bible. I find personal strength and blessings in God's word. I'm just looking for others that do the same. If I am not able to make such connections, so be it.
Thanks for your post and I look forward to working my way through all the great info on this site.