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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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19 Jan 2014, 9:59 pm


I'm a bipolar mom of two boys, ages 12 and 10. Both boys are diagnosed ADHD.

But the main reason I'm here is for S1. He was severely speech delayed and has been in speech therapy through the school system starting at age three. In second grade he was evaluated for a learning disability. The results were learning disability in expressive language and inference, and also identification of the ADHD symptoms. His IEP was adjusted at that point.

He is now 12, and we have been issues with behavior and social situations. His pediatrician thinks he's bipolar like his mother. The psychologist I took him to for a second opinion thinks it's Aspergers/autism spectrum. We have been referred out to the metro area's institute for autism, and have an appointment scheduled for the end or March to start their evaluation process.

I've already posted in the parenting forum, wondering if it is unusual to get this kind of diagnosis (autism) this late in his life, and I am appreciative of the responses I already received - that basically, yes it's possible.

At this point there is no definitive diagnosis for autism. But as time goes on, and the more research I do it looks to me like autism is the more likely thing over bipolar. But I am not a doctor, so I will leave it to the professionals to figure this out. In the meantime, I just wanted to drop in and say, Hey!


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19 Jan 2014, 10:41 pm

Autism, maybe. Nobody here can make a diagnosis. If there was delay in language development, it is not, by definition, Asperger syndrome, because there is no speech delay in AS, but this is controversial (Hans Asperger's original descriptions specifically mention speech delay).

It might be HFA - the main observable difference between HFA and AS is that in HFA there typically is speech delay. There are a few differences in neurological development, but they will typically not test for these.

In terms of diagnosis, this process is a job for experts, and it is often missed in favour of more mainstream diagnoses, such as bipolar disorder. You commonly find indications of ADHD with forms of autism, but the two can be, and often are, independent.

Is it possible that he is autistic? Yes, but confirmation would be up to an expert. As to what form, that is a source of controversy. This might help. ... rence.aspx

In terms of delayed diagnosis, the steady trickle of adults presenting and requesting assessment aside (anyone born before about 1990 will almost certainly not have been picked up by the school system), the age of 12 would certainly not be unheard of. I know a 19-year-old Aspie who was diagnosed at 14.

You probably have this in the parenting forum (which I don't frequent) but hopefully this is useful.

Regardless, welcome!


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20 Jan 2014, 9:25 am

Welcome :D

I agree with Niall, in that be sure to check with the experts with any questions, but there are a number of different things it could be, I imagine. It's not unusual to be diagnosed so late in life; some people with AS on this site are only learning of their conditions in their 40s, 50s, 60s, etc.

Reading through several different forums, I've found that many different things are sometimes misdiagnosed, so it's kind of hit and miss, until you land on the right one; unless a person is clearly able to be diagnosed, behind a doubt. Some people have multiple diagnoses too, so it might be up to your best judgement to relate to the posts, and ask you doctor, if you're concerned. If you're unsure, I find writing a list of all symptoms; no matter how small, helps.

At the moment I'm trying to talk to specialists about whether I have Aspergers or Attachment Disorder (personally, I feel I have both), but I'm in the process of figuring it all out. My sister, I suspect has reactive attachment disorder. Both AD and RAD apparently are misdiagnosed as Aspergers occasionally.

Well, hope that wasn't too off putting. Keep at it, and you'll find your answers.

aka. Vanilla (Aspies Central)

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21 Jan 2014, 5:00 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet!

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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23 Jan 2014, 2:09 pm

Welcome :salut:
