Hi, I just joined here. I was on another Asperger's forum, but nobody would respond to me, so I came here. I have to go to the doctor's this week(hopefully) to ask him about getting a diagnosis for Asperger's. It's funny, because I have a problem with communicating with people, and now I have to communicate with the doctor about getting an evaluation for a disorder that hinders my ability to communicate!! My older cousin was diagnosed with what they believe to be Asperger's. I'm 19, and do not have a driver's license. I had a driving permit, where you can drive with a parent; that didn't go well. This was over a year ago, and I'm still not completely over it: I was pulling out of Meijer and I thought this guy had his blinker on, so I pulled out. He DIDN'T have his blinker on, and accidentally pulled out in front of him. He passed me, on a double yellow line, and my mom said he gave me the finger, but all I saw was a fist. Has anybody else been so sensitive to actions like that? I also have sensory issues, too. My mom and dad make a certain sound with their mouth (I can't really describe it), and they know it bothers me, but they do it, anyways. It causes me to put my hands over my ears and almost scream. Apparently, they think being autistic is funny. If I think they may make the sound I so despise, I cover my ears and rub my hands against them, so I can't rwally hear anything. I've also had self-injuring behavior, too. If I hear that sound, I punch myself in the arm, sometimes it bruises. If there's anybody out there that's been diagnosed with Asperger's, can you tell me what the doctor might do to reach a diagnosis? I heard they can do blood tests or x-rays. Thank you.