Thanks for the warm welcome, you guys
I should probably tell a bit more about myself
My hobbies and interests are video games like Kingdom Hearts, Professor Layton and Patapon. I also like a lot of video game (and movie) soundtracks, it's my favorite "genre" (if you can call it a genre of music)
My dream is to become a composer for video game and movie music.
I'm also interested in lucid dreaming, even though it's hard for me to stick with it and to actually get anywhere. And I'm a beginning scambaiter, which is a lot of fun and also allows me to do a good deed, I guess :3
I used to read a lot (Artemis Fowl, the Gone series or Golden Compass) but I don't do it too often for the past few years, which is a shame
I also like movies (Inception, Truman Show, Ghost Town, lots of Disney and movies like Kung Fu Panda and Rango)
I have a keyboard which sadly, I rarely use. I often come up with little melodies in my head, but I can never work them out into actual music. I also want to learn how to code, as it should come in handy whatever I intend to do. Also I like comedians like Eddie Izzard and Monty Python
I'm studying Applied Biology, which is a really broad subject that can take me in all sorts of directions. I'm interested in self-defense and climbing as sports and can be a bit hyper sometimes, and I have a weird, nonsensical sense of humor (see: Eddie Izzard).
^I also like to ramble, but that's kinda hard to tell.^
I'm a new Dutch aspie from the Netherlands
...wait a second