newcomer here, wondering if there is a posting etiqutte

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10 Feb 2014, 8:21 am

I am new at this kind of thing and, being aspie, wondering if there is a right and a wrong way to post topics and replies?

Any feedback would be much appreciated.


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10 Feb 2014, 8:50 am

Each forum has permanent posts at the top (entitled 'please read this before posting' that dictate the rules.

Mostly commonsense things about dont do personal attacks or be racist or etc.

Basically- treat it like a conversation with people in person, and you should be okay.


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10 Feb 2014, 9:00 am

It also helps to read the first post in this thread: "Before You Post Here ...".

You may find that many of your questions and claims have already been addressed.


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10 Feb 2014, 10:30 am

Thanks guys, I got it. The basic rules are just common sense. But, what about this whole rank thing? I am labeled as an emu egg and, I am see others as phoenix's and veterans and such. It seems like you have to build Aspie cred, lol. Also, this may seem even more obvious to you guys but, how to I get the little white quote box to appear when I want to reiterate for responding to another's question or statement?


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10 Feb 2014, 12:35 pm

Rank is based on number of posts. To quote, see top right of every post.


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10 Feb 2014, 3:35 pm

whereismymind wrote:
Thanks guys, I got it. The basic rules are just common sense. But, what about this whole rank thing? I am labeled as an emu egg and, I am see others as phoenix's and veterans and such. It seems like you have to build Aspie cred, lol. Also, this may seem even more obvious to you guys but, how to I get the little white quote box to appear when I want to reiterate for responding to another's question or statement?

The "quote" button at the top right of each post will automatically generate a 'post reply' field, including a box quoting the person you're responding to, and place your reply text beneath it.

If you need to add any other quoted material, just look at the tool bar above the 'reply text' field, the first tool on the left is a quote box generator - click once to begin quoting, twice to close the quote box.


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10 Feb 2014, 4:48 pm

Thanks again for clearing up my confusion. :D


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10 Feb 2014, 9:30 pm

Welcome :D

aka. Vanilla (Aspies Central)

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