In an endless search to better myself and fix my irrational issues, I stumbled across this site here. Seemed interesting, so I thought I'd give it a shot.
You're welcome to address me by any nickname you'd like, I'm not picky.
As for about myself, beware, this could get a little long:
I came from a bad school originally. Besides that, life was pretty normal. I had a family consisting of a mother and father, and that was my entire world. When the abusive tendencies in my school came to light, about five years ago, I finally was able to switch schools, and ever since, things had started looking up.
I still had issues with people my age, of course, what with my Asperger's. But besides that, everything went well. Unfortunately, an unlucky chain of events was set into motion that same year.
In the past few years, I have seen three members of my family die. I was not close to two of them, but that's a different note. The third, however, was someone close; my father passed away, and thus, half of my "world" crumbled.
That was in 2012. In the year since, my anxiety has hindered me from even going to school, and I've been shown to have a ridiculously high tolerance to medicine. The many things I used to be able to do have been seeping away, and all I want to do is find a solution.
Which, of course, brings us to now. I figured I might be able to relate to some of you, perhaps hear of ways you cope with your condition(s), grief, anxiety, depression, or anything else of the sort. Medicine has not been working, circumstances have been preventing me from using external resources, and I'm running out of options.
Forgive me if I am to straight forward, or spoke to much here. Ah, but don't think my tone unfriendly, or intentions entirely self-centered. I'm more friendly than I appear.