Your Aspie score: 110 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 108 of 200
You seem to have both Aspie and neurotypical traits
I'm 25, a women's college graduate with a major in theatre and psychology. Thanks to this crappy economy I work in sales.
Around 1996, I had a teacher who was
concerned about the fact that I only wore black stretch pants instead of "cute clothes" and only ate cheese and ranch dressing sandwiches for lunch. She suggested that I be screened for ADD. While my parents had me tested for "everything under the sun" (whatever that means), my doctor said I was merely not a social butterfly. But more and more I wonder if I missed being diagnosed.
My father, if you asked him to describe me, would call me self-absorbed and only interested in what I'm interested in (when I was young he often told me 'no one cares about what you're saying'... yeah that didn't have any impact on my self-esteem whatsoever. Nope). In fact, I think most of my family would say that. I'm constantly reminded that I have to ask others what they are interested in to actually maintain a conversation. I struggle to maintain eye contact and would rather look elsewhere when I'm talking.
That being said, I can still be very social for short bursts of time especially when there is something specific I'm supposed to be doing--which is why I'm in sales--it is basically scripted and specific. If I see a person I know, usually I remember that the polite thing is to say hi (though sometimes I don't follow through). I can be charming at parties or family get togethers for about an hour before I completely crash and need to be away from humans all together. If I know someone well, the social cues make more sense--like my roommate and close friends.
I've been in therapy in recent years for depression and anxiety with the transition out of college but have not seen anyone in a few years. I'm trying to get my finances in order because I'm struggling with that right now. But I guess I wanted to come here and talk about my experiences.
I do not know if I have aspergers or not, but I suspect I might and just want to feel accepted for being me