I came to a self-diagnosis of Asperger's after the realization that both of my children have Asperger's. As well, all of us suffer from anxiety and depression.
My family's mandate was always to "look normal" and only in my 50s did I decide, okay, enough of that! I am trying to embrace who I really am deep inside rather than what I look like on the outside. When I found this site, I got a great deal of comfort in finding that others have similar struggles and strengths to me.
I have a job where I work from home so I am fortunate to not have to face the outside world on a daily basis the way I did years ago when I worked in an office. I can indulge my need for quiet, low sensory input, and avoid social interaction (which I have no skill for!). I do sometimes long for some social Interaction though. That is how I have come to this website.
I have many hobbies which are very, very important to me. That is where I find the joy in my life. I play piano, sew, quilt, knit, draw, photograph, garden, and read, read, read. That is the short list!
I am married to a man who has subtle Asperger's traits and who understands and tolerates me very well! As mentioned, I have two children both of whom have fled the nest.
I look forward to being able to share my struggles and my interests with others on this site.