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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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Joined: 16 Mar 2014
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25 Mar 2014, 1:38 pm

What is your first name? Dee

Age: 49

Location: Upper Midwest

Hobbies and Interests: Motorcycles, Music, Classic Films, Science and Computers,Linux and FreeBSD (actually, all the *Nix's)

Why are you here? Recently diagnosed after a meltdown at work

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): One week ago

Favorite subjects:


Favorite music: Jazz (especially 50's/60's), Classic Rock. Also really appreciate good TV theme music, love Quincy Jones, Henry Mancini, Van Cleave, Nelson Riddle.

Books: George Orwell (I think I've read everything he ever published), American Pastoral by Philp Roth, Tales of Mystery and Imagination by Poe, and most all of HP Lovecraft

TV shows/Movies: Movies - American Splendor, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, American Grafitti; TV - The Invaders, all Star Trek Series, The Prisoner

Instrument: Double Bass

Do you like sports? Football (college and pro)

Family: Married with one child

Clothing: Whatever my wife buys me

How did you find this website? Google search

Job: Engineer

Plans for the future? Would like to go into business on my own some day, maybe after retirement

Any comments? Had really lonely childhood and adolescense. Did not go to one single party or after school event at anytime in high school, no friends (not even geeky friends). After two hospitalizations and a year in a group home, I got fed up, read Dale Carnegie and some books about body language, and just started observing other people. This is before anyone in this country knew anything about Asperger's, but I of course knew my biggest problem was with social skills. Lo and behold, after really studying hard, I actually started picking up friends, got a college degree and a job, dated, got married, bought a house, etc., etc. People who know me know would have a hard time believing there is anything neurologically different about me.

Fast forward 25 years. I work for a corporation that's been turning over executive managment like crazy for the last two years, and I have had six different bosses in last 18 months. That would be stressful enough for anyone, but recenlty after going all Michael Bolton on some office furniture, I finally decided to go seek some help. I had always suspected I might be on the spectrum, but I was really shocked by the test results. (48 AQ, 17 EQ). My therapist picked up on my fake eye contact (I look at people's noses, always seems to work), voice modulation, etc. that untrained people would not notice.

I really like my family, work, etc., don't want to lose any of that.


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25 Mar 2014, 2:32 pm

Nice to meet you. It is always weird when people pick up on fake eye contact. The only people I have notice are in the deaf community as I look at mouths to try to understand what people say better.

I am studying civil engineering with a focus on transportation engineering. Although I will likely end up working as a licensed land surveyor as I know people in the field, and it involves more field work, less office work.

__ /(. . )


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25 Mar 2014, 4:08 pm

Welcome to WP. :D


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25 Mar 2014, 6:15 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet!

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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26 Mar 2014, 9:44 am

Welcome ^^

Your Aspie score: 187 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 25 of 200
AQ: 43
Empathy Quotient: 8
I have ASD, ADHD, Hypermobility Syndrome.