Tahitiii wrote:
That's a lot of fancy-a**-words to say essentially nothing. May I assume that you have no particularly pressing problems at the moment or impressive achievements to announce, and are just poking your nose out to say "Hi"?
hello to you too :3
foremost, besides your loud and clear sarcasm, as a not native speaker I could be flattered by what you are saying about the use of "fancy words" - I really didn't notice that I was using an "highbrow" language-, but let's put aside sarcasm and moot points and let's start to talk about your objections. As you can guess I love debate, so there's nothing of contradictory if I do such massive discourse but nevertheless I'm having pressing problems at the very same time: instead of considering these two points as one excludes the other one, you should consider them as quite related among themselves. firstly, because the words play a significant role on the way how I withstand my own unease (sometimes when my unease is getting worse I wind up myself in a sort of aphasia state, furthermore I have a couple of OCD linked to the linguistic field), secondly because I find that a sharp and aware control of language - for example, the wide use of periphrasis could be helpful- is the best manner to pratice
escapism. There's a lot of life out there - lot of troubles, a sheer amount of platitudinous and predictable aspects of daily routine, a traffic congested crossroads of existences-, thus I don't need to put something linked to my life in every sentence that I have to write, otherwise I detect the necessity to draw apart myself from life for awhile as best as I can. stop thinking about to write something meaningful and just focus on the shape instead of content - I'd rather an alienating way of writing, with a well-stocked patrimony of circumlocutory speech, instead of a meaningful monologue, that's what I meant-
stavrogin wrote:
If you want to talk about Star Wars or HP, we're all probably around eleven years old, while in real-world stuff things are not so simple.
I disagree, it depends on the way you examine the subjects
Last edited by stavrogin on 06 Apr 2014, 1:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.