Welcome Shani! My mother did the exact same thing with me, pulled me out of public school and devised a curriculum for me at home, and I am so glad she did! I homeschooled from first to ninth grade, then I made the decision to attend high school because I wanted to get into college and I was afraid it might be harder if I just got my GED (I probably would have been fine though, since I just wanted to go to a state school anyway). Also, I think autistic kids benefit from learning on our own because we can't necessarily jump through academic hoops as well as the other kids (especially in high school!).
Try not to feel too regretful, you are making a great decision here, and it can be very frightening to try something new and different from what everyone else is doing! But I've found that in my life, as an autistic person, it is almost always the right thing to do, because I AM different. Good luck!