Hi Everyone,
Just registered on this site and thought I'd introduce myself. I'm 33 and was diagnosed with high functioning autism in 2008 although I had suspected for a long time prior to that. I think I was missed primarily because of my age and the fact it wasn't well understood at the time plus i tended to ace the subjects being taught. I have often struggled with the world of work due to sensory issues and the fact that unless what I doing what engages me intellectually I tend to sort of zone out. However I have had some success self-employed doing computational mathematics though I haven't much success more recently. I spend most of my waking hours spinning a wooden dowel on the end of screwdriver weird to neurotypicals I'm sure but I myself think it harmless. I've joined because I'm eager to talk to others with similar conditions as I feel it may help me understand myself better and also if I can help others that would be good. i sincerely believe that we are different rather than sick or disabled and could be fully integrated within society with a little understanding. The thing I dislike most is being told I don't have empathy I feel I have autistic empathy and feel that NT's lack this but i hope by trying to better articulate this we may be able to bridge our understanding.
I hope I haven't ranted too much but it's just who I am.