Thanks all for the welcomes
I'm an excessive typer so...apologies if replying to everyone in the same post is a bit much orz
cathylynn wrote:
yay, chocolate. i add a tablespoon of non-alkali processed cocoa to my oatmeal every morning to lower my blood pressure. tastes darn good, too. welcome.
What I tend to do when I'm in the mood for chocolatey cereal is add a sprinkles of dark chocolate shavings. I don't tend to have milky cereals but I didn't know chocolate can reduce blood pressure

...more excuses to eat it is always good though

LocksAndLiqueur wrote:
Welcome to WP! Like all websites, there are some rude people here and a few that deliberately troll, but I think you'll find that most people here are kind and accepting.
That blog actually sounds really interesting. Let us know if you actually do that.
I had to look up Grey-A. I'd never heard that term before. Though, I haven't read much about the various theories on the topic of sexuality.
Now, when you said "roleplaying" did you mean like LARPing, table top games or something else? There are a few types of roleplaying that I'm into. I'm actually going to play Pathfinder (a version of Dungeons & Dragons) with some casual aquaintances on the other side of town in about an hour.
Haha...I'm always nervous when I go on forums but not so much for trolls, more because I dislike confrontations and clashes of opinions.
So far this place seems nice so...I might stick around

It's actually up and running, but I'm doing a few posts just to see what direction I want to take with it.
I'm quite surprised since there seems to be a few asexual aspies over on AVEN (asexual forums) so I assumed it was generally known - but hey, it's always fun to learn new things right? :'D
I RP in the uhh...text-based way? XD (I'm not sure if that even has a proper name.)
Make a character, come up with a plot, write it out with a partner and see where it goes?
I've been involved with others that use dice rolls/stat systems but I'm mainly in it for the fiction-writing side of it.
Can't say I'm interested in LARPing but I'm very interested in at least trying the table-top games at some point, they look pretty fun but I've just never had the opportunity to try one before. Feel free to send me some pointers or recommendations if you'd like

, it'd be cool to try and get into it.
businezguy wrote:
Welcome to WP!
I had to look up Grey-A as well. Is your Aspie partner pretty much the same?
Naah, he's most certainly far more sexual than me! XD
I wouldn't say he was hyper-sexual or anything though lol
Toy_Soldier wrote:
An NT! From the outside!
But no worries. We have a foolproof ASD/NT test. See we throw you in a pond and if you float your....
Welcome to WP, whatever you are.

lol XD
For some reason I can't help but think of that part in Monty Python and the Holy Grail...
I scored 23 on the AQ test today, last time it was 30. *shrugs*
I guess there's a lot of questions on it that apply to anxiety and general dislike of social situations or something.
Plus there's the whole thing where I know what the "right" and "wrong" answers are going to be based on my knowledge of ASD already from learning about my partner, so I almost feel compelled to treat it like a quiz instead of putting myself into it XD
But one thing is for sure: I'm a human...I think. Actually I'm just a bunch of moving cells. So I could be anything...maybe I'm a tree.
Thank you for the welcome