Maybe I made an intro a while ago, but screw it.

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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14 Jun 2014, 8:40 pm

Online I go by this username. It doesn't have much significant meaning anymore. "mrrhq" is just the username I use for all my Debian GNU/Linux systems now. As you can imagine, I am a high advocate for free software (FOSS) and open source things, such as hardware.

I own a, now sadly discontinued, Ben NanoNote machine, one of the first open hardware devices started by some of the great prior OpenMoko community leaders. Only about 1500 people in the entire world own one of these machines, and it's very special to me now. I bought it because I wanted something a little more computer-like than the under-rated Dingoo A320 machine. Since it literally uses the same Ingenic XBurst MIPS CPU as the Dingoo, and I really, really like the clamshell form, don't ask why, the obvious choice was to get the NanoNote and play Dingoo games on it, since it was binary-compatible. lo-and-behold, I've kept it in the dust along with my Raspberry Pi. I threw my Pi away because it used proprietary firmware, but I love my NanoNote to death. it has a keyboard, screen and everything. Runs great with my EmDebian Multistrap.It can be frustrating for now users to figure out how to get the damn thing to work, like the older kernel sometimes acts like a little b***h with updated userland software and modules, but it's working now. Yays.

In other notes, I am currently waiting for a DragonBox Pyra and a Neo900, especially when I can afford it. My budget situation is extremely tight....

I do not have Aspergers, but full-blown autism. Yep. All of you may be on the wrong planet, but I'm on the wrongest planet.
I browse the Internet... like everywhere. Literally everywhere, as much as possible. I spend about 10 hours a day on the computer. Living and breathing the heat from my exhaust fans. With my Privoxy proxy or my NoScript plugin and no browser cache on Iceweasel, I can just happily go to any Website risk-free and worry-free. Just stay away from that God damn Moneypak virus scam. It even affects Linux users and it's just annoying.

I do even shamelessly browse Websites like 4chan and Reddit. I have a strong Zen and cultural background and I think technology will help reshape the entire world and our culture even further than it has now, so I am a big technology follower, extremely huge, I philosophize on everything on it to help create my own individual sense of reality due to it.

I used to use Windows for 7 years, but ditched it as soon as I saw Windows 8. No longer interested it it, especially after browsing in 4chan's /g/ - Technology board for so long, I wonder. I'm still trying to get into Reddit. I don't understand why 4chan and Reddit hate eachother. 9gag is for manchildren.

Oh, about my childhood? It was an embarrassing mess of fun. I love bing a child so much. I could use my camcorder to record everything, and I had lost of fun making moves about everything, from drawing Super Mario Land games on the sidewalk even pretending to play Donkey Kong on a chessboard with American currency and scrapbook paper pieces. We lived in Florida for a long time where I could travel to the beach. It was either hot or warm all the time, or there were nasty thunderstorms outside, but I'm at least glad we moved away from that place before TWO hurricanes hit the gulf of Florida circa 2008-2011.

I have been surpassing my autism in public better and better. I keep my introverted side strictly at home. I have tired making friends time and time after my childhood but ridiculously failing. Maybe people hate my exaggerative and funny ego, or perhaps people just have problems that I don't or cannot understand. For example, I don't think working should be a necessary thing, and I find a lot of people have a problem with this way of thinking. Workin gmudane tasks is a waste of time and boring, I would rather just watch everyone have sex on the streets with eachother all the time than have to see people complaining about work. That would be more pleasing to my eyes. And I also do not drive, so getting around is problematic, but my brokerage provides me a bus pass yearly.

So I have been delving into Zen and Taoism previously (heh, maybe I should have learned Confucianism and Communism), and I've been in uncomfortable situations in my adulthood, but now I finally have an apartment complex. It's not easy getting used to having no one around all the time, especially people who do not love you, but I visit my parents daily and it calms me more. I actually just love all the solitude I get. It's much needed. I would rather get positive attention than negative attention, although some of the actions I do protrude an otherwise formidable or unwary action from others, so I try not to socialize much in real life in fear of brash judgments from others, or even worse....

Here's some more facts about me if you may be the curious folk:

Age: 23 (just turned 23, woooooo)
Location: Superior Portland, Oregon, the best state in the USA =)
MBTI personality type: INTP
Socionics: INTj
Enneagram: 5w6 or 6w5
Schizoid and Narcissistic traits.
Idiosyncratic Irish-Scottish temperament

If you have any tech questions, as long as they're not Mac questions, but actual PC questions (lul), I'm the guy to ask. Anything else?
Also, do yourself a favor and disable image smilies, they suck, especially when you're using a text-based browser. =)

Last edited by mrrhq on 14 Jun 2014, 8:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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14 Jun 2014, 8:44 pm

Also, my browser's spell check is not working now. I forgot to turn it on again for this Site. Brb, gonna fix my sentences.
Edit: OK, I fixed up my spelling. Hopefully no one asks me to fix up the "bad words".


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14 Jun 2014, 9:05 pm

hiya Mrrhq :) welcome to the club 8)


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15 Jun 2014, 5:14 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet!

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!