I gained the confirmed diagnosis in Jan 2013 (was 24), but received a more up-to-date "yes, we think he's got it, but no money in West Kent PCT's pot for an official diagnosis" in Nov 2010, Feb 2011 (both from Kent), Aug 2011 (from Bexley), July 2012 (from Sussex) and Nov 2012 (from Bexley)" and the final one, which was pretty quick, from Bexley. It was quick, as different trusts had said, yes i.e. Kent, Sussex and Bexley; not forgetting that Greenwich said 'perhaps, but no money for testing' in 2008, so therefore, different Drs from different Trusts agreeing; there were also suggestions, after a bit of a kerfuffle occurred, from the Kent Police - who did their best to help expedite it - to whom I am extremely indebted and grateful. And also, as the Professor in Aug '11 that considered it, is one of the country's top Professors - quite why he was working in Eltham & Erith was beyond me - it held more weight.
interestingly, the 2008 one had 'Pervasive Developmental Disorder', not 'Autistic Spectrum Condition', with the final one [Jan 2013] being 'Autistic Spectrum Condition, most helpfully described as Asperger's Syndrome'. Ultimately, it wasn't until the Nov 2012 one having returned to Bexley, and at that stage, they had a grip of what they were required to do as per the Autism Act '09