Hi there,
I suppose I'm aspie-curious, my brother is undiagosed aspergers, he's diagnosed borderline personality disorder, but as his older sister i can vouch for the fact that he has always been the same
He's done a bit of research and he agrees that his difficulties are more in line with aspergers, he also suffers from a lack of self esteme and depression, which I reckon are secondary to the aspergers, due his inability to fit in, coupled with our step-dads unhelpful bullying attempts to make him 'normal' when we were growing up.
I also see the symptoms in my mum, who is very detached from society although very interested in it from an almost scientific perspective
And myself? Well I certainly have traits, but I'm able to hide the social anxiety and generally fit in, I think I probably come across a very social, occaisionally odd, and very blunt (also rubbish at keeping secrets, is this a common trait or just me?). I've joined today because i just did an online test out of curiosity and I came out as borderline. I'm generally happy, this is ot a problem to me, but I have a little boy (aged 3) and with my family history it is on my mind that he could be on the spectrum too as he's really not much of a people person. I just want to be in a place were I can find understanding and support.
Anyway looking forward to chatting with you guys