What is your first name? Riley
Age: 25
Location: Austin, TX, USA
Hobbies and Interests: Math, music, animals, biking, roller derby
Why are you here? To learn more about my recent diagnosis
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): This year (2014)
Favorite subjects: Number theory, the Soviet Union, Harry Potter
Year/Grade: University graduate/continuing student/Phd applicant 2015
Favorite music: Classical, David Bowie
Books: The Demon Haunted World, Carl Sagan. The Music of the Primes, du Sautoy. The Harry Potter series, Rowling.
TV shows/Movies: X-Files, Labyrinth
Instrument: Cello
Do you like sports? Yes
Family: Youngest of 5 children. Paternal grandfather has Asperger's.
Clothing: I don't particularly have strong feelings about clothing.
How did you find this website? Other awareness/education sites.
Job: Former data manager, current full-time student
Plans for the future? Continue study of number theory/prime number behavior.