Hi, I'm new here and kinda nervous bur I suppose that's to be expected. I'm undiagnosed aspie, though really the only reason is because my therapist says she doesn't want to label me and the testing would be uber expensive anyways. I'm still not sure if the lack of a diagnosis benefits me or holds me back... not really sure if I'd tell the diff either way. Anyhoo, I'm a video gamer, enjoy listening to multiple genres of music (tho my fave is Doom Metal), I do deal with depression and anxiety. All too often I get into watching or reading the news out of some sense of responsibility to be informed, you could say I have the sense of injustice of an adult, and the coping skills of a 12 year old (not meant as an insult to anyone btw). Anyone else have this problem with the "current events" binge leading to meltdown?
Well anyhoo... That's a bit about me, not really sure what else to say but "howdy!"