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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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10 Jul 2014, 8:42 pm

Hi, I hate introductions because I always write too much and am terrible at summarizing (sound Aspie-like to anyone? lol) but I hate to sound conceited so I'll try my best to not write a book and to still give a fair introduction.

I'm a self-diagnosed Aspie (or person with Aspergers or ASD or high functioning autism or whatever else they are calling it these days!...I never know if I'm offending someone using various terms). I didn't realize it until about a year ago when I was researching my son's informal diagnosis in a book about Aspergers called "Quirky, Yes---Hopeless, No". My father is 100% Aspergers, there is no doubt in my mind. Of course, now you know one of my sons has Aspergers. Actually, I have two other children, a one year old girl and my five year old is already informally diagnosed this week and going for a formal test in a week and a half. We already started OT today with him though. They are moving us along fast luckily in the diagnosis.

I guess I've found these forums hoping for support and just somewhere to fit in and not be ridiculed and find some understanding of what my children and I experience. I don't have really anyone to talk to about this or anything really since I have only one close friend and I don't even talk to her much or about this. My husband (who is also suspiciously Aspergian in nature) is pretty bullheaded and his family too. Even after our first diagnosis, his dad (who is intimidating and much like my husband in some ways) said "well I still think he's normal" which pissed me off pretty bad and I had no idea what to say to him. I won't get started on that because I may never stop. Maybe he meant it in a good way but it's hard to tell with him. I can't read him OR my husband which is a weak point in our marriage. I'm just not good at reading people but I sense that he's not good at expressing appropriate emotions at the right time either. Just another reason I say he's suspiciously Aspergian.

Well that's all for now. I'm sure I'll be back to post later or this week sometime. Thanks for listening to my rambling.


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10 Jul 2014, 8:53 pm

Some people cling to normalcy like a life raft. I wouldn't take it personally, because it's probably a compliment in their mind. Misguided, but well meaning..


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10 Jul 2014, 9:13 pm



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10 Jul 2014, 11:14 pm

Welcome findingaplace. Didn't think you were rambling, just letting us know a bit about yourself and your current situation.

. . . and if you are very quiet you can hear the music too . . .


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11 Jul 2014, 2:58 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet!

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!