Hi, I have recently begun seeing a female psychologist and I am supposed to be going soon for testing but I have no clue when... Anyway I very lost on why I am the way I am and act the way I do my whole life. My doc said I could have dyslexia and possibly Aspergers and considering my mother has said in the past she thought I was autisctic so hey that's freaking great! Not. Excuse the spelling I misread numbers and words all the time. Well, my anxiety to basically everything lights, sounds, hearing things no one else does, Etc. Plus everything else that is related to Aspergers seems to fit me to a T. I can be very socialable mostly because I have an extroverted personality but have been called shy, reserved, so on my whole life which isn't true once you get to know me. Anyhow, I have no idea really why I am on here but my mothers friends niece calle diagnosed with aspergers recetly months ago and that's sort of where I got the interested in understanding what it is. I read it and damn, it resembled me a lot. My mom told me she noticed I wasn't speaking by 3 years old plus lokking at pics when I was a kid my head was big for a girl lol Now it's tiny lmao and got a big body... I used to be really good at math now I'm can do it but it's certain types that I get confused about like algerbra. I dropped out of school at 15 and since have been trying to get my GED still can't get it. I always pass high scores eveything else and always 10 or 20 ponts off math. I am also diagnised hypothyroid at 14 so.. now also got food allegies. yay. I also found out while talking with my doc and mom, my mother told me she drank and smoke cigs while pregnant before she knew she was pregnant. No one else in my family as I can except their sh***y personalities have any signs of apsergers. Does alcohol and cigs cause this Sorry for weird way i typed this. I suck at typing