Mom to a 4 yr old HFA
hello - my name is Michele
I live in Pa(Womelsdorf), I am a stay at home mom to 5. My husband is an undiagniosed aspie , he is a robotic laser technician.
Alexandra (14) gifted and anti social
Justin(12) Bipolar, ADHD{has had many other dxs including PDD}
Rayna(7) social anxiety
Nicco (4) HFA
Kenzie (20 months old) speech delay, food allergies, failure to thrive, gross motor/fine motor delay(resolved)
Boy, am I busy.......
I am a board member at the local chapter of ASA
I am a member of the PA Autism Task Force
I am always going to conferences to learn more....
Well, I am happy to say that my family is doing good, and Nicco is doing great!! !!
We all have are momnents...but overall it is good.
Nice to "meet" you. I adopted a child who we now think is HFA. He is almost 11 and was misdiagnosed twice, so it's getting old. First he was ADHD/ODD and then he was bipolar. The thing is, he a is so obviously autistic and is being retested (yes, we've done this before) very shortly. He doesn't rage or have the moodswings or bipolar, unless he has to WAIT (he has no patience) or change from an activity he likes to doing something else. He would play videogames and watch cartoons 24/7 if we let him and has no imagination. As a toddler, he headbanged all night, echoed speech rather than spoke, and taught himself to read by rote. Yet his IQ is only 75, and he seems rather disinterested in interactive play with kids. he'd rather they watch his shows with him than play. When he doesn't have his videogames/cartoons, he has no clue what to do (no imaginationative play) and picks everything up, gets hyper, and puzzles people. We have a long road now because we will have to change his IEP. He is going to middle school this year and his LD Class (which they put him in) will jump from 8 kids to 26 (ages 11-17....the middle school and high school are in the same builindg). I DONT THINK SO1 Since he can only do oral testing, and needs tons of help, we are going to push to get him in CD, where two of the three kids in that class are Auties. Even with an aide, 26 kids is too many. I like the class with 3 kids! We live in a very small town so our school district only has two buildings K-4 and 5-12. Anyways, that's MY sad story If you want to talk my e-mail is [email protected] I live in Wisconsin.
I almost got put into LD classes my self back in 1988 when I was 8, but by the time I got into high school, I ended up hanging out with a bunch of them. I later ended up working with one of then who became a paranoid schizoid, left work one night with out warning, and then tried to throw himself infront of a car becasue of the voices in his head.
BTW FootInMouthATT, what part of wisconsin do you live in, I live along the lake in Manitowoc.
hello nice to meet you both. Your son reminds me of Nicco....
if he does not have a structured activity he is going nuts, running around jumping all over the furniture, stimming, etc....
His imaginative play is getting there... we do play scripts with him and he is learning from them.
Do you have other children??
I hope you get his IEP straightened out, that is to high of a ratio for him to do good (which you already know)
Nicco goes to a special preschool he has 8 kids in his class with one teacher and 3 aids, so the ratio is 8 kids to 4 teachers.
Well, gotta go. talk to you later.