I thought I may as well introduce myself rather than continuing to lurk! I'm 22 and from the UK. I have suspected I have AS for ten years, and was assessed at 14 but told that at the time they didn't think a diagnosis would benefit me. This is something that I and others have become increasingly certain was the wrong decision, so I'm just starting the process of being referred for assessment again. Very nervous about the whole thing for a lot of reasons that I started to wax lyrical about before deciding it's probably best to keep an intro post brief.
I'm currently not working or studying due to mental health problems, but hope to return to university to complete my degree in a year's time. My degree is in neuroscience, though I suppose my 'special interest' would be London: specifically late Victorian/early Edwardian London and the London Underground.
Pleased to be here, and I look forward to speaking with people