Hi I just recently joined this forum since I felt I may needed to join some support group after I recently was told by my psychologist that I'm on the spectrum,it's still pretty daunting for me to know now that I have an actual name to what I have been struggling with all my life yet at the same time it doesn't surprise me since my older brother whom lives with me has autism,it answers all a lot of questions yet I'm still trying to get use to the fact that my brain is wired differently than those who are not on the spectrum,it's also hard for me to find some support outside my dr because there isn't many support places for female aspergers in Australia so I found out about this place on the net and thought this may be a good starting point to maybe connecting to other aspies who can help me with this brave new world that I have discovered,I hope to meet many of you and I hope to maybe finally sort out this new world that I'm now discovered I'm apart of.