This site looks great. I'm the mom of a 15 y/o daughter with Aspergers. Most of the time, things are pretty good. But lately, we've been running into school trouble (again) Mostly because the teachers dont "see" B's problems. Over the years, B has become very adept at hiding her confusion and anxiety under the guise of shyness. Her teachers think I am exaggeranting (I made up this word just now)her disability, but I now its there and very real because I've know her all her life. I dont want her to be singled out at school, just to have some simple accomadations that will help her. We have all the formal programs in place, but the teachers dont overtly see her having problems, so they dont follow the accomadations so she gets failing grades.
Can I please come here for support and questions--there is a serious lack of support for AS in our community.
Thanks, Michelle