Hi, new here. In my mid-40's.
I've been "semi-officially" diagnosed.
Here's what that means:
I'd been seeing a psychologist due to a physical illness for a few years and making little progress.
CBT and I didn't seem to work well together. That is, her suggestions and advice were wonderful. I was horrible at implementing any of them.
I've thought I might be on the spectrum for a few years. Mentioned that to her and she referred me to another psychologist. He gave me three tests, similar to those online which I'd already taken, and my scores were well above borderline for Aspergers (and Depression and Anxiety) He also said he pegged me for an Aspie when we first met.
I've been seeing him for a few months now and have not yet pursued a more official diagnosis because of the expense and because of the solidly positive results of the initial tests. I'm not uncomfortable with the diganosis. It fits. I see myself (at least partially) in every description of Aspergers in every book I've read, particularly books about anxiety and work issues. Been having a lot of work issues. I'll save that for another time.
Not sure what to do next, who to talk with or where to go.
I'm doing a lot of reading/learning at the moment, but haven't had a chance to hear others' experiences.
Guess that's why I'm here.