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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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25 Dec 2014, 1:14 pm

Hi. I am new here. But much of what I am about to say is probably far from being new.

I am not 100% sure I have Aspergers but I "passed" the quotient test with flying colors, so to speak. Got like a 39 on it. The results said its very likely I have Aspergers or some similar thought difference on the autism spectrum(High Functioning Autism, perhaps?).

The good news is that I have a very caring psychiatrist and therapist as well. The not so good news is that I want to speak to them right now but its the Holidays where I am at and yeah kinda sucks for me in a way. These professionals are never available this time of year. :(

I looked into my possibility in having Aspergers after I spoke with a cab driver who said his grown daughter has autism(not sure which type, he just said, "autism" in a general sense).

I found my self repeatedly saying "I feel like that," over and over to every symptom he said his daughter exhibited.

When I am alone for extensive periods of time, I profusely dive into one of my passions for hours on end. One of these was to research Aspergers and Autism.
I was shocked at what I found. I always assumed I was simply depressed and the depression created social anxiety.

But my new psychiatrist diagnosed me as having "bipolar depression with (social) anxiety." The shocking thing about this was the bipolar part. I was suspicious of it but to have it confirmed by a medical practicioner came as a surprise for some reason but it brough some relief. Still, the diagnosis felt too simple and incomplete for me. There was, something "else" a little "off" about me compared to the neurotypical people(whom I called "normal" or "regular" prior to learning that word, neurotypical, which I find to be inoffensive to Aspies, Autisies, and other folks who think "differently" from what is excepted from the majority of the populace).

Some of the many things(but not limited to) that I can relate to Aspies are

1) hypersensitivity/sensory overload

2) meltdown/nervous breakdown/emotional breakdown(all of these used synonymously)

3) Ritualistic and/or repetitive behaviour(i.e. OCD)

4) Difficulty with social situations(making friends, carrying conversations, understanding language by differintiating between what is literal and what is not, understanding non-verbal communication and/or body language)

5) Obssession with one or more particular interest(s) to the degree of being "genius" or knowledgeable or skilled or expert or at a professional level at it( for me I feel like its researching, computers/videogames, music, writing, lyrical, animals; particularly canines and passion of the wolf)

So I explained the best I could to a sister of mine(much to my dismay <.<). And I just had a mild meltdown over the phone. So it was difficult for her to hear precisely the words coming out of my mouth. I also swayed side to side as I was sitting, shook my legs rapidly side to side, rubbed my legs, placed a hand between my legs, started to rock back and forth, e.t.c. to the point where she had to ask me to stop moving so she could hear. Then she gave me the type of coments I sure you guys have heard before like, "You DON'T have Autism! You are fine and normal. You are OK. Why do you keep trying to find SOMETHING that is wrong with YOU!"

She sounded so accusational. She didn't help me feel any better in the least bit. She claimed she was going to talk to my father about this as I have asked. But ever since tuesday night(the night I discovered this revelation)she has not called or text or anything. T_T

So I took matters into my own hands and explained it to my dad and he axtually listened! I was calm and direct and got to the point(which I need LOTS more work on :D )He said he would research when he has time, he thinks its a good idea to print the AQ test, and show my psychiatrist.

It doesn't seem like my dad notices the difference in my behavior. For years I have been told by adults and even my peers to hide or mask my hyperactivity. I was a real motor mouth and jumpy kid. My mom's side of the family said "You used to be so happy," before my mama was kicked out of my dad's house when I was 3.

I even had seen psychiatrists to figure out why I was so freakin "happy" seemingly ALL the time. I was close to beeing diagnosed with ADHD(now known as ADD, I think). But now that I know its ok to be proud of me and my Aspergers and its not the end of the world simply because I think differently, I can be me.

So I just "Let It Go"(as Elsa, from Disney's Frozen, had put it). "It" being the me on the inside. I jump around sometimes and randomly sing many songs incompletely to help block racing thoughts or when people say unnecessarily negative things to me or when I just wanna feel comfortable. Its a coping mechanism I guess.

I skip, prance, dance around very sporadically and randomly until I tire out now. I smile ALOT and laugh VERY loud ALOT. I still switch between a monotone and younger 3-4 year old sounding voice. I speak kinda fast and over people though in a conversation, especially with someone who is equally interested in the topic.

I feel good. My thing is I really would like to join a support group with Aspies/Austies like me to mame friends and know I am not alone. Maybe I will learn to socialize, properly, so I can be more prepared for the work force.

Ok. So. Yeah. Nice to know there are forums for people like us. And thank you for reading this loooooong probably drawn out bio of me. Thanks a lot. You're awesome! ^_^

And I do apologize for the obvious typos. I am still learning how to type on this darn smartphones.... >_<

I dress anyway want I to, do anything I want to, be anything I want to, cause I got the right to! I is talkin to you(ppl who "oppress" us), boo!----PizzA TimE!! !


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25 Dec 2014, 2:31 pm

Hey Pizzagal3000 welcome. :sunny:

No power in the 'verse can stop me. - River Tam (Firefly)


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25 Dec 2014, 7:06 pm

I bet you're really cute. Will you make a pizza for me.

Welcome to Wrongplanet.


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25 Dec 2014, 8:52 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet. :)

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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26 Dec 2014, 2:49 am

kraftiekortie wrote:
I bet you're really cute. Will you make a pizza for me.

Welcome to Wrongplanet.

Thanks everyone for the warm hearted welcomes. I feel like I really belong here already! :)

Hi, KraftieKortie,
Lol. I don't get compliments often. I suppose it may have something to do with the fact that I hardly get out. Not trying to sound like a bump on the log or anything(figure of speech helps me communicate my feelings better, at times).

Lol. I sure could. :wink:
One time I actually did make homemade pizza. Must of been good if my dad like it.

I dress anyway want I to, do anything I want to, be anything I want to, cause I got the right to! I is talkin to you(ppl who "oppress" us), boo!----PizzA TimE!! !


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26 Dec 2014, 4:26 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet!

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!