I'm Sean I am 26 and I currently live outside San Diego, CA. I was not diagnosed for most of my life and always struggled with being different but not being able to understand or explain why. I never had much in the way of friends or activities growing up and it got really bad when I was about 24. I had just graduated from the University of Arizona but could not find a real job which just made it worse. That coupled with the bullying I had struggled with all my life and the loss of the few friends I did have drove me into a hole. I pretty much lost all my sanity at that point and became suicidal more or less. Long story short I finally did snap and ended up receiving 2.5 years in the Arizona Prison System. But I did get my diagnosis of Aspergers while in county jail from a neuropsychologist my mom hired. I was released from prison on 12/14/2014 and now am living with my parents in California trying to start over. Its more than a little daunting and scary.