Hello! I'm new.
I am someone who has recently started to suspect that they might have aspergers syndrome, and I am 29. I started to consider it seriously when I saw this clip on the BBC of a chap and it was called "autism for me is a painful gift". He wasn't diagnosed until he was 42, and I felt I really connected with a lot of the things he said. I always suspected that I fit a lot of the criteria, but then I dismissed it as most people I know satisfy a lot of the criteria to a small degree, but for me these things effect my life a lot, so it is hard to ignore. Also there is the fact my friends and my relatives aren't a random selection of the population.
The first of the biggest places where my symptoms effect my life is my inability to face filling out forms and paper-work, even to the point of it being extremely inconvenient not to. I have for example not been able to face phoning to sort out payment of bills until I end up getting letters threatening to send around the bailiffs, and I ended up having to pay a whole year of council tax in one go as I'd left it so late to sort it out, despite that fact that in both cases I had enough money in the bank to pay them immediately! Also in terms of applying for jobs or positions I feel I have missed out on many opportunities simply because I have failed to ask or apply for things. The main things I have done so far in my life is doing a degree, for which my mum filled out all the paper work, and doing a Ph.D., for which the staff had basically verbally accepted me before I'd filled out a single form, and then I filled out the application form at a later date with a member of staff to formalise my application. Saying that, I did apply for a job recently and got invited to an interview, however I couldn't face attending so I told them I wasn't interested anymore.
The second thing where my symptoms effect my life is the sheer amount time that my personal hobbies consume. I have a large number of bizarre hobbies that my girlfriend calls "robbies" due to my name. I practice hanging off door-frames twice a week, I have a daily stretching routine, I run three times a week, I practice the piano, I study mathematics, I practice muscle-control - this is something I "invented" where I sit down and attempt to control various muscles in my body without controlling any others, it is my goal to learn to independently control every muscle in my body (lol). I love looking at maps, particularly old OS maps to see how the local areas have changed, and I'm interested in the layout of local farm fields. On my runs I attempt to visit as many different farm fields as possible, much to the annoyance of my neighbouring farmers. I also have in the past spent an enormous amount of time playing a certain logic puzzle game which I won't name as it will potentially identify who I am (along all this other information) too accurately. Oh! And I also like beatboxing. (but don't tell anyone, it's embarrassing)
Thirdly I struggle with socialising and making friends, however this isn't such an issue any more as I am generally happy spending time with my girlfriend, however in the past this has been a large cause of depression and anxiety for me as I have tried extremely hard to, and failed to, make friends.
Anyway sorry for the rambling introduction, I wanted it to be quicker than this. To sum up, I am going through a time of change in my life, I have recently finished my studies and my girlfriend has moved to another city, and I need to move there and find work there, and I suspect I will need some sort of psychiatric or moral support over this period of change. I am seeing my GP in a couple of weeks (earliest next appointment, dreadful isn't it?) to discuss the possibility that I might have aspergers, and will take things from there.
Look forward to getting to know you all, hope you found my list of hobbies amusing!
Welcome, Aredesh! It sounds like a good thing that you have a girlfriend; hopefully she is also supportive to help you during your transition. Best of luck.
"People will forget what you said, they will forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel.”— Maya Angelou
Joined: 23 Nov 2006
Age: 34
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Location: Portland, Oregon