My brother thinks I have AS. The only two doctors with whom I mentioned this possibility (a psychiatrist whose speciality is ADHD and a general practitioner said I am "too functional". The selftest I took online had many questions were I would have marked "I don't know" had that option been available and concluded possibly AS. So I give up on a diagnoses unless someday it comes in handy for benefits, etc. After all, what's in two words? I feel different from others, with a superior logical and mathematical aptitude and inferior social intuitions. My social situation is compounded by unusual life experiences growing up which isolated me from mainsteam kids during childhood and adolescence thus impairing my learning curve. My superior logic ability has compensated somewhat as I have logically deduced social rules, conventions and situations. I need to use a higher dose of empathy than most because I have to remember that the person that I am interacting with me is different from me. Nevertheless I enjoy the company of others often, although at times I like being alone. I have no touch or visual hangups like many but not all aspies have reported. So this is who I am, call me what you will. I feel that if I were to see two shrinks maybe one would say AS and the other non AS. I will not go through this process because it is not my priority as I will live my life the same regardless of a diagnosis. I know who I am. I like communicating with you guys because I feel that some of you have more in common than the average person on the streets.