I would like to thank the Forum Designers (the creator of our planet)
for my existence, however pityfull it may have been.
I must go... I have learnt what I need, and need no more practise... I have divulged what I can, without me taking on a second job as a forum geek.
I thank the people of the planet for listening to me needs, and keeping me comfortable during my stay... it has also been alot of fun: as life on our planet should be.
Hopefully everything will continue as happily as possible... I hope to be watching from my higher plane of existence (Earth and the real world).
In closing I would like to leave you all with a peom (Which I had already sent to another as a gift)
Society tests us for every wish that we grant
be tested.Don't
sink into the water walk above it.It's a matter of
trust:do we want to believe or even understand that
which haunts our fellow sibling? Notnormally is the
understanding,that which with we find something that sketches
new horizons to explore.Einsteins theory at its best,
special relativity, it all depends on who the observer is,
it is this observer that sets the genre of the system. If perhaps
let's say that the genre is normaly pleasing
to the sences then society has a whole is
blind to the folly of the system even the
observer can be blind to it's weaknesess,and of course the
vice-versa would infact bring the observer to his knees
in a desperate attempt to once again bringthe
system into its mascaraded equivalent. This is where the
observer can at times not achieve what is needed in
which therefore finds justification in apionting a
new yet more subtle observer and leaving his or her role
Thankyou...and I hope we all find what we are looking for.
Chickens have feathers, Like eggs have shells...being tickled can hurt.