I was diagnosed with Asperger's when I was 12 or so, and before that I was diagnosed with ADHD, but the symptoms of that were then reconsidered to be an expression of my Asperger's. Between now and then, I have suffered from depression, social anxiety, avoidant personality disorder and a light form of PTSD. I never had an official diagnoses for any of those, but I highly doubt that the emotional and psychological issues that I suffered in my teenage years were anything else. Anyways, I once considered getting a re-diagnosis a year ago but it was only for the sake of being able to have an adult diagnosis for a program I could be administered to at a college I'm not enrolled in anymore. Although my social skills, among other things, have improved greatly since my childhood, I still feel that I have Asperger's. I am obsessed with learning about things and finding patterns, I constantly fiddle with random doodads (clicking pens, snapping metal buttons together, twisting the knobs on the equipment in my school's lab, etc), and I have obsessive tendencies with all of my interests and hobbies. Those are hardly the only things that characterize how I am not quite like other people, but I'd rather not be unnecessarily superfluous for what should be simple introduction thread reply.
Nosce te ipsum - Know thyself