Hi, undiagnosed, in need of information!

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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23 Feb 2015, 5:30 pm


I'm new to this forum. Yes I am undiagnosed, you might think, oh there's a new wannabe aspie who watched Big Band Theory, or thinks that Aspergers is the new trend for the shy and awkward. But that's not 'really' the case.

I am sure that my new uni friends and acquaintances wouldn't see me as an aspie. I have changed quite a lot in the last few years, made an effort to be more sociable, went out of my confort zone A LOT to fit in, and succeeded somehow, which I'm grateful for.
However I stumbled across a description of Aspergers and immediately recognised myself, mostly as a kid.
I wasn't a shy kid. I was quite loud and spoke my mind. But I never felt accepted because I wasn't. In kindergarden I was bored, I could already read, read dinosaur books (I was obsessed), refused to play with others and constantly annoyed my teacher. (She often yelled at me for being arrogant and not normal, and a bad child because I didn't want to conform to her 'playing rules'). I also got panic attacks whenever others touched my hair, and I didn't let anyone touch me after I fell for example. I still can remember when I hid another girl because she asked me if I was ok... As I grew up I was bullied, I was the freak. I got good grades but didn't do anything. Never played with others. They all annoyed me for not being logical. I also had a lot of strange allergies and had not very good health. Constantly rashes and being sick. High school didn't really change much, I was awkward had serious trust issues and was also agressive when I felt like not fitting in. I mostly didn't understand what others wanted. Why would they go out? Why did they have 'crushes'? But then I got some friends and tried being more 'sociable'. I was still the quirky tomboy, but I learned to interpret others and myself. Now I'm at uni, it's still difficult to process everything but I made a lot of progress. I see social life as a kind op discipline now, like a subject you learn at school, and I've become more comfortable with expressing my emotions and understanding others. I can 'blend in' but I still feel like not fitting in or missing the point when everyone else is laughing...

Besides all of that, I play the piano, the guitar, write and draw a lot (everything self-taught). I study linguistics and am interested in maths. I like routines, but have pushed myself a lot lately to become more spontaneous.
I hope I didn't offend anyone, because I'm undiagnosed. I'm thinking about seeing someone to talk about all of this. I didn't cover my whole life, but just those things that I remember, that came to my mind first. I'm new to this and looking for some answers and want to get to know myself a bit.


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23 Feb 2015, 8:36 pm

Hey perpetuumobile welcome. :sunny:

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10 Mar 2015, 8:29 am

Welcome to Wrong Planet!

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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10 Mar 2015, 11:57 pm

Welcome! This is a support site, diagnosed or not, so don't be intimidated by that. Have you done any of the online tests?

Pileated woodpecker
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11 Mar 2015, 3:13 am

There's this questionnaire, although I doubt it's the end-all be-all of diagnosis tools.

Regardless, greetings from a fellow newbie. Perhaps I'll see you around the site?

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12 Mar 2015, 6:30 pm

I'd recommend getting a diagnosis as young as possible if you're looking for one. The older you are, the harder and more expensive it gets. Once you hit 20 it's close to impossible.

Emu Egg
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13 Mar 2015, 10:17 am

I was diagnosed at age 57. Six months ago also new here.
Its nice to have that info even at my age.
¿»\. Its all good.


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13 Mar 2015, 4:29 pm

bryanhou wrote:
I was diagnosed at age 57. Six months ago also new here.
Its nice to have that info even at my age.
¿»\. Its all good.

Welcome! Yes, It's great to make sense of things that were baffling for ages. I know this feeling, and was older than you at the time of realization. Wow! Lightbulb moment that opened a door that led to a richer life on all sorts of levels.

Ps However I now notice that you are aged 2003 - what is the secret of your amazing longevity 8O

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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13 Mar 2015, 9:12 pm

2003 dont know how it did that.
Its 57 plus one. :wink: